Our History
Founded in 1802

Dan River Baptist Church is a Southern Baptist Church with ties to the Baptist General Assembly of Virginia. We are located in Halifax County Virginia, not far from the town of South Boston. To help you to get to know us we’d like to share a bit about our history.
On December 28, 1802, Dan River Baptist Church was organized. The first hundred years displayed little growth and short pastorates. By the time the church celebrated its Centennial, the membership had increased to 146. A decision to build a new sanctuary was made and fundraising efforts began. By 1928 a new church building was completed at the cost of $6,000. Dedication of this building was observed on October 7, 1928.
On a cold November morning in 1940 an event occurred that is still etched in the memories of some of our members. Church goers arrived that morning to find the church building engulfed in flames. During the week that followed, the pastor and deacons met to determine the church’s fate. Fire insurance had left the church with only $2,000 to operate. The members came together and committed themselves to rebuilding. In twelve months a new building was completed. During the rebuilding process, church services were held in a nearby garage.
Over the years the membership continued to grow. In 1956 Dan River called its first full-time pastor. Also, this time period brought more building projects. A baptistry and Educational Building were constructed behind what is now known as the Chapel. Later, in 1968 an additional Educational Building was constructed to keep up with the church’s growth.
Throughout the years that followed the membership continued to expand until it was felt that a larger space for worship was needed. In 1976, the current sanctuary was dedicated.
Dan River Preschool was organized in 1976-77. It is known today as Dan River Weekday Early Education School or “W.E.E. School.”
Since the early 1980’s Dan River has hired additional staff to assist the pastor. A number of Youth Workers, and Associate Pastors have added to the ministry of the church.
Dan River has a history that is rich in service and experience. Over the 200 plus years many pastors and members have been a part of the history of this church. During this time span, hundreds have come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and have had their lives touched in a meaningful way. As we continue to serve the Lord, tomorrow’s history is being written.